Communication Between School and Home
Home-school communication is essential to every student's success. To that end:
Teachers will be available to speak to you by phone, email, or in person, and will let you know the best way to reach them. You should expect a prompt response (within 24 hours) to your call, email, or request for an appointment.
We will continue to provide Kilmer e-Bulletin to parents each week this year.
We have developed this web-site in an effort to provide a one-stop source for all school-related information.
Many of our teachers send periodic letters or newsletters home to families to update them on what’s happening in class.
You will receive automated telephone messages about attendance and important announcements from the principal and the superintendent.
We have student agenda books in grades 2-8 for assignments and notes between teachers and families.
A home communication journal or weekly reports can be set up between parent and teacher when very close, regular contact is determined to be necessary.
Your child’s teacher will schedule a conference in the fall (elementary school) and as needed or upon request (elementary and middle school).
Each Fall, we hold a Back To School Night for parents to meet their child’s teachers and learn about the upcoming year (not a time for individual conferences, however).
Each Spring, we hold an Open House for parents to see what our students have been working on through the year (not a time for individual conferences, however).
We are not permitted to discuss or release student information with or to anyone but a parent or guardian.
Progress Reports, Warning Notices, and Report Cards are official communications from your child’s teachers to you, but you should expect to hear from them more often than that.
Feel free to call, email, or request an appointment any time to speak to your child’s teachers, Mr. Foley or Ms. Moses.
Important: Families MUST keep contact information (telephone, address, emergency contacts) current in case of emergency!
Visiting the School
One way for you to be involved is to visit your child’s classroom. Parents and guardians are more than welcome to visit in coordination with your child’s teacher/s. Please make an appointment in advance if you wish to visit your child’s class. Unannounced visits are not permitted, including at lunch/recess time and to speak to a teacher.
All visitors must be buzzed in through the main entrance and report to the Main Office before going anywhere else in the school. Visitors will be asked to sign in and given a visitor’s pass. It is a matter of safety for all our students and staff that we have these requirements.
We thank you for your cooperation.