Breakfast/Lunch & Recess
Breakfast & Lunch
(BPS Food and Nutrition Services)
** Universal FREE breakfast and lunch are offered at Joyce Kilmer K-8 School. **
Elementary students (K-5) have a combined 45-minute lunch and recess period.
Middle school students (6-8) have a 25-minute lunch period and a 20-minute recess (not required by BPS policy).
Adjustment to Lunch Routine for Kindergartners
Students who are entering school for the first time have to learn the routines and habits of school, just as anyone coming to a new place. For our youngest students, it takes some time to adjust, particularly to eating lunch in 20 minutes while sitting and socializing with their new friends. Parents should know that no child goes hungry at school. Our cafeteria staff circulates and makes sure everyone eats something, and our Kindergarten classes have snack time as a regular part of the daily schedule. Students typically take a few weeks to learn the new routine.
Students need physical activity as a means of learning, exercising, socializing, releasing energy, and helping their minds absorb the learning that has taken place in the school day. We offer recess to all students K-8. Recess is approximately 20 minutes long and is either immediately before or immediately after lunch. Students go outside for recess unless:
The temperature is below 32ºF
There is a steady rain or other precipitation
The playground is covered with ice or snow
There is lightning or thunder nearby