Our morning arrival procedures take place on the front playground beginning at 9:20am*. Parents should not drop off students prior to 9:20, as there is no staff supervision until that time. At 9:20, the cafeteria door opens to welcome all students, who may get breakfast on their way up to class. The instructional day begins at 9:30am. Students are expected to arrive at school on time and ready to learn each day. Repeated and chronic tardiness will result in a report to a district Supervisor of Attendance for review and possible court intervention.
Staff are on hand to assist our youngest students to their classrooms. Parents of young students are asked to say goodbye on the playground before classes file indoors. This helps students to build the routine of transitioning from home to school. We know it can be difficult in the first days of September to say goodbye to your little one(s), but we ask that you remain strong and wear your “game face” until your child is inside. Our goal with this is to foster the confidence and independence your child needs to enter and be successful in school.
Students who use bus transportation are dropped off via the side driveway in front of the playground. They are met at the school by a teacher on duty and directed to their class lines or into the school in bad weather.
Parking during Arrival (9:10AM – 9:30AM)
Parents are asked to park on Baker Street (front of school) or Ansonia Road (side of school). PARKING IS NOT PERMITTED IN THE REAR PARKING LOT OR ALONG THE SIDE DRIVEWAY FENCE! This creates traffic congestion for school buses and you will be asked to move your vehicle if you are parked there during arrival or dismissal.
A Crossing Guard is posted at the corner of Baker and Ansonia.
Students who arrive late to school should report first to the Main Office.
The following items are not permitted on the playground at morning arrival:
The school day ends at 4:10pm. Bus students are lined up and escorted to their buses by staff. Students in the YMCA program are escorted to the cafeteria by staff. Students who are picked up by parents (we call them “Walkers”) are escorted to the playground and dismissed ONLY TO A PARENT OR AUTHORIZED ADULT WITH PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION.
Students are expected to remain in school until 4:10, except for reasons of illness, injury, or other unavoidable circumstances. Repeated and chronic early dismissal of a student will result in a report to a district Supervisor of Attendance for review and possible court intervention.
Beginning at 9:20am, students who walk, are dropped off, or ride the bus to school may enter the building and report to breakfast (if applicable) or to their homerooms. The instructional day begins at 9:30am. Students should only be dropped off for arrival in the FRONT of the Upper School on Russett Road. Only buses are permitted in rear of the school (Greaton Road) at morning arrival. Please note that Greaton Road is a One-Way street during the morning hours. For families who drop off students at each building, we recommend dropping off Upper School students first, then heading to the Lower School.
Students are expected to arrive at school on time and ready to learn each day.
A Crossing Guard is posted at the corner of Russett Road and Weld Street.
Motor Vehicles are prohibited from entering the side driveway at Russett and Weld.
Please do not park in the side parking lot - This small lot is reserved for staff.
Please do not park in or in front of the driveways of private homes near the school.
The school day ends at 4:10pm. Bus students are dismissed by class and escorted by staff to bus lines in the playground (or cafeteria during inclement weather), then loaded on buses by staff. IN THE AFTERNOON, BUSES PICK UP ON GREATON ROAD AND PARENTS PICK UP ON RUSSETT ROAD. Students attending the YMCA program at the Lower School are directed to their transportation (bus or van) alongside bus students. Staff escort walkers and students being picked up by parents out the front of the building.
Students are expected to remain in school until 4:10, except for reasons of illness, injury, or other unavoidable circumstances. Repeated and chronic early dismissal of a student will result in a report to a district Supervisor of Attendance for review and possible court intervention.
Motor vehicles are prohibited from entering the side driveway at Russett and Weld.
Please do not park in the side parking lot - This small lot is reserved for staff.
Please do not park in or in front of the driveways of private homes near the school.